February 6, 2025

SCCM Pixologic ZBrush 4R6 FL

Hi all, I will be posting SCCM Application Jobs as often as I can.

This is installed via SCCM 2012 SP1. Created an Application for this under Software Library Application Management.

This is the Programs Tab for this Deployment.

Here is the batch script I created to install Pixologic ZBrush 4R6 FL. This is the floating license version.

echo Installing ZBrush 4R6 FL - Please Wait.
echo Window will close after install is complete

REM Install ZBrush 4R6 FL
"%~dp0ZBrush_4R6_FL_Installer_WIN.exe" --mode unattended

REM Install 32-bit customisations
if exist "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0zbrush_license.lic" "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\Licenses\"
if exist "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0FloatingLicenseDLL.dll" "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZData\ZPlugs\RLM\"

REM Install 64-bit customisations
if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0zbrush_license.lic" "%programfiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\Licenses\"
if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0FloatingLicenseDLL.dll" "%programfiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZData\ZPlugs\RLM\"

REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

This is the Detention Rule Tab For this Deployment.

Altiris Job for Pixologic ZBrush 4 R4

We got a ticket we quite a few requests to install the latest version of ZBrush 4 R4 on several PC’s.

I went ahead and started looking on Pixologic’s site and on the web. I could not locate any info doing a silent install. I tried extracting the .exe with no luck.
You can also run the installer and then check under the AppData\Local\ to see if it extracted an msi or setup files. I didn’t find anything useful.

I tried running the exe with different switches from the command prompt.

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /s
ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /q
ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /h

None of the above worked.

I got lucky with –help

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe --help

It brought up a pop up with these commands.

ZBrush 4R4 4R4

--help Display the list of valid options

--version Display product information

--unattendedmodeui Unattended Mode UI
Default: none
Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs

--optionfile Installation option file

--debuglevel Debug information level of verbosity
Default: 2
Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4

--mode Installation mode
Default: win32
Allowed: win32 unattended

--debugtrace Debug filename

--enable-components Comma-separated list of components
Default: application,documentations,plugins,3dpe,BlendShapes,decimationmaster,imageplane,
Allowed: documentations plugins 3dpe BlendShapes decimationmaster imageplane multimapexporter
paintstop subtoolmaster transposemaster uvmaster zapplink adjustdfzsizeplug

--disable-components Comma-separated list of components
Allowed: documentations plugins 3dpe BlendShapes decimationmaster imageplane multimapexporter
paintstop subtoolmaster transposemaster uvmaster zapplink adjustdfzsizeplug

--installer-language Language selection
Default: en
Allowed: en ar bg ca da nl et fr fi de el es es_AR he hr hu it ja ko pl pt_BR pt ro ru no sl sk sq sv tr zh_TW zh_CN va cy cs

--prefix Installation Directory
Default: ***unknown variable default_installdir***

So I tried

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe --mode unattended

from a command prompt and I did get one pop up from “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup” when i clicked on Ok the installation finished.

I then went into the Altiris Deployment Console for 6.9 to create the software job.

I called the job Zbrush 4R4 then clicked on Add | Distribute Software then clicked on the folder to browse to the location of ZBrush.
Then under Additional command-line switches section I entered

--mode unattended

then clicked on finish.

I ran the job on a few test PC’s and it installed fine and that Microsoft pop up does not come up.
You still have to manually Activate the software.