February 6, 2025

Altiris Job for Pixologic ZBrush 4 R4

We got a ticket we quite a few requests to install the latest version of ZBrush 4 R4 on several PC’s.

I went ahead and started looking on Pixologic’s site and on the web. I could not locate any info doing a silent install. I tried extracting the .exe with no luck.
You can also run the installer and then check under the AppData\Local\ to see if it extracted an msi or setup files. I didn’t find anything useful.

I tried running the exe with different switches from the command prompt.

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /s
ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /q
ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /h

None of the above worked.

I got lucky with –help

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe --help

It brought up a pop up with these commands.

ZBrush 4R4 4R4

--help Display the list of valid options

--version Display product information

--unattendedmodeui Unattended Mode UI
Default: none
Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs

--optionfile Installation option file

--debuglevel Debug information level of verbosity
Default: 2
Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4

--mode Installation mode
Default: win32
Allowed: win32 unattended

--debugtrace Debug filename

--enable-components Comma-separated list of components
Default: application,documentations,plugins,3dpe,BlendShapes,decimationmaster,imageplane,
Allowed: documentations plugins 3dpe BlendShapes decimationmaster imageplane multimapexporter
paintstop subtoolmaster transposemaster uvmaster zapplink adjustdfzsizeplug

--disable-components Comma-separated list of components
Allowed: documentations plugins 3dpe BlendShapes decimationmaster imageplane multimapexporter
paintstop subtoolmaster transposemaster uvmaster zapplink adjustdfzsizeplug

--installer-language Language selection
Default: en
Allowed: en ar bg ca da nl et fr fi de el es es_AR he hr hu it ja ko pl pt_BR pt ro ru no sl sk sq sv tr zh_TW zh_CN va cy cs

--prefix Installation Directory
Default: ***unknown variable default_installdir***

So I tried

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe --mode unattended

from a command prompt and I did get one pop up from “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup” when i clicked on Ok the installation finished.

I then went into the Altiris Deployment Console for 6.9 to create the software job.

I called the job Zbrush 4R4 then clicked on Add | Distribute Software then clicked on the folder to browse to the location of ZBrush.
Then under Additional command-line switches section I entered

--mode unattended

then clicked on finish.

I ran the job on a few test PC’s and it installed fine and that Microsoft pop up does not come up.
You still have to manually Activate the software.


  1. Awesome post, where is the rss? I cant find it!

  2. It works, thanks a lot !

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