February 6, 2025

For The Ladies

Hi Ladies, I came upon a new Online Commerce site called Alternate Boutique https://alternateboutique.com while looking for items for my girlfriend. I found many necklaces and bracelets that I purchased for her at a great price with free shipping, she hates for me to spend my money on super expensive jewelry. When I gave her the jewelry as a present she was so excited.  I was a little scared she wouldn’t like them, but she loved every item.  Now she wants me to buy more of these items for her, instead of spending money on stores like Tiffany, Cartier, Harry Winston, Van Cleef & Arpels, Buccellati, Graff, Piagett, Bvlgari, Mikimoto, or Chopard. I think my girlfriend is a keeper. 🙂

One of the necklaces I purchased

Altiris Job for Acrobat 9 Standard

Here is the second software job I will post about.

This week, it will be Acrobat 9 Standard. We still use this older version. I was tasked to install this for a few users and it was a total pain to get it to updated to the latest patches. I believe Acrobat is up to 9.5.2. I tried their auto updater and it didn’t work for me. I had to manually download all the patches and patch it one by one. It took forever.
So since we had Altiris, I went about creating a job to install and patch it up.

To silently install Acrobat 8 Standard, you need to edit the setup.ini from the install directory.

Here is the original setup.ini

RequireOS=Windows XP

1033=English (United States)
1031=German (Germany)
1036=French (France)

[Windows XP]

[MSI Updater]

Here is the modified setup.ini to install it silently.

RequireOS=Windows XP
CmdLine=/sl"1033" /sall /rs

1033=English (United States)
1031=German (Germany)
1036=French (France)

[Windows XP]

[MSI Updater]

SCCM Pixologic ZBrush 4R6 FL

Hi all, I will be posting SCCM Application Jobs as often as I can.

This is installed via SCCM 2012 SP1. Created an Application for this under Software Library Application Management.

This is the Programs Tab for this Deployment.

Here is the batch script I created to install Pixologic ZBrush 4R6 FL. This is the floating license version.

echo Installing ZBrush 4R6 FL - Please Wait.
echo Window will close after install is complete

REM Install ZBrush 4R6 FL
"%~dp0ZBrush_4R6_FL_Installer_WIN.exe" --mode unattended

REM Install 32-bit customisations
if exist "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0zbrush_license.lic" "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\Licenses\"
if exist "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0FloatingLicenseDLL.dll" "%programfiles%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZData\ZPlugs\RLM\"

REM Install 64-bit customisations
if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0zbrush_license.lic" "%programfiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\Licenses\"
if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZBrush.exe" copy /Y "%~dp0FloatingLicenseDLL.dll" "%programfiles(x86)%\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6 FL\ZData\ZPlugs\RLM\"

REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

This is the Detention Rule Tab For this Deployment.

Altiris Job for Pixologic ZBrush 4 R4

We got a ticket we quite a few requests to install the latest version of ZBrush 4 R4 on several PC’s.

I went ahead and started looking on Pixologic’s site and on the web. I could not locate any info doing a silent install. I tried extracting the .exe with no luck.
You can also run the installer and then check under the AppData\Local\ to see if it extracted an msi or setup files. I didn’t find anything useful.

I tried running the exe with different switches from the command prompt.

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /s
ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /q
ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe /h

None of the above worked.

I got lucky with –help

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe --help

It brought up a pop up with these commands.

ZBrush 4R4 4R4

--help Display the list of valid options

--version Display product information

--unattendedmodeui Unattended Mode UI
Default: none
Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs

--optionfile Installation option file

--debuglevel Debug information level of verbosity
Default: 2
Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4

--mode Installation mode
Default: win32
Allowed: win32 unattended

--debugtrace Debug filename

--enable-components Comma-separated list of components
Default: application,documentations,plugins,3dpe,BlendShapes,decimationmaster,imageplane,
Allowed: documentations plugins 3dpe BlendShapes decimationmaster imageplane multimapexporter
paintstop subtoolmaster transposemaster uvmaster zapplink adjustdfzsizeplug

--disable-components Comma-separated list of components
Allowed: documentations plugins 3dpe BlendShapes decimationmaster imageplane multimapexporter
paintstop subtoolmaster transposemaster uvmaster zapplink adjustdfzsizeplug

--installer-language Language selection
Default: en
Allowed: en ar bg ca da nl et fr fi de el es es_AR he hr hu it ja ko pl pt_BR pt ro ru no sl sk sq sv tr zh_TW zh_CN va cy cs

--prefix Installation Directory
Default: ***unknown variable default_installdir***

So I tried

ZBrush_4R4_Installer_WIN.exe --mode unattended

from a command prompt and I did get one pop up from “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup” when i clicked on Ok the installation finished.

I then went into the Altiris Deployment Console for 6.9 to create the software job.

I called the job Zbrush 4R4 then clicked on Add | Distribute Software then clicked on the folder to browse to the location of ZBrush.
Then under Additional command-line switches section I entered

--mode unattended

then clicked on finish.

I ran the job on a few test PC’s and it installed fine and that Microsoft pop up does not come up.
You still have to manually Activate the software.

Altiris Jobs

Where I work they have Altiris 6.9 and are in the process of getting Altiris 7.1 up and running in parallel.

I thought I would share some of the software jobs I got working. So others don’t have to re-invent the wheel.

I will try and post one a week. If you have any request let me know.

Finding your optimum MTU

Finding your optimum MTU can help get the best Internet speed. MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit, which is basically the size of the packet sent from your PC to the Internet.

Default MTU size

Cable = 1500
PPOE = 1492 or lower
VPN = 1300

Most routers allow you change the MTU from their Web GUI. It is usually set to 1500 or you can have it set to Auto. To change it on the PC’s is a little harder.

On Windows 7, open a command prompt

To check what the MTU is on all subinterfaces type

netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces

To set it type

netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Local Area Connection" mtu=1500 store=persistent

To find out what MTU to set, open a command prompt and type

ping -f -l 1472 www.yahoo.com

Using a -f switch sets it not to fragment the packets.
The -l switch is used to set the packet size.

I used www.yahoo.com as the destination to ping. You can use whichever.

1472 = Ethernet Default MTU
28 = Packet Header

1472 + 28 = 1500

If the packet can’t be sent because it would need to be fragmented you will get something similar to this:

Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.

So you will need to run the ping command with different packet sizes to determine the optimum packet size. Keep trying lower packet sizes by 10 (i.e. -l 1460, 1450, 1440, etc.) until you get a successful ping request. Raise your packet sizes by one until you get a “Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.”. The last successful value plus 28 will be your MTU value.
For example a packet size of 1460 succeeds, but 1461 fails, so 1460 + 28 = 1488.

I had the Cisco VPN software installed which changed my MTU to 1300. I uninstalled the software and rebooted, but my MTU still was set to 1300. I ran the netsh command above and it changed it, but after a reboot it reverted back to 1300.

I found the location in the registry where the MTU setting is kept and changed it there.


I then went through the different interfaces, until I found the one with my current IP for the Lan Interface. I edited the MTU and set the hexadecimal value of 5dc. Which sets the MTU to 1500. I closed the registry and rebooted. The MTU was now still set to 1500. Success.

DFS disabled on Windows 7

DFS (Distributed File System) not working on Avid Windows 7 PC’s. I had gotten a call from one of our editorial support techs. They were deploying Windows 7 PC’s on the domain with the Avid editing software.  They were not able to connect to DFS shares on the domain. This is the error they would try and connect to a DFS, “An unexpected network error has occurred.”   DFS has been working fine on our PC’s which use the same hardware as they did.  HP Z800’s the only difference is they had a PCI-E Controller for the Avid hardware.

The PC had the Avid Unity MediaNetwork client software installed. After checking online, it turns out the Avid Unity software disables DFS on Windows 7 by default. Here’s the PDF were I found out about this on page 17.

I was able to fix this remotely. I ran computer management from the Administrative Tools in the control panel | services | turned on Remote Registry.

I then ran regedit from Start | Run | regedit | File |  Connect Network Registry

I then just browsed to


and right click on DisableDfs entry and select modify.

Type 0 in the Value data text box to enable DFS or Type 1 to disable it.

How to get a Tech Job?

I was working at my last job for 10 years, which I got from a reference. My old co-worker was working there and called me up that they had a position there. I got an interview and the rest is history. A lot of job opportunities come this way. So it is very important to keep in touch with your friends and ex-coworkers. It’s good to network with people in your field as well. Get on LinkedIn and add all your friends, co-workers, and people you meet in the field. You can also take classes online or at your local community college to add more skills to your resume.

I got laid off in July 2009 due to downsizing. I asked all my friends and could not land an interview. I went on Monster and Dice and posted my resume. I also created a spreadsheet to keep track of what job’s I was applying for. This comes in handy when EDD asks for proof you are looking for work. I applied at over 100 companies. I wanted to work near home, so I looked around my area to see what companies were nearby. I went to their websites and checked under careers. I applied at all the companies that had positions in my field. I modified my resume for each job, to better fit their job requirements.

I always had trouble answering those HR questions you sometimes get asked in interviews. I have been asked those questions on phone and in person interviews. I did some searching online and found this helpful PDF called HR Interview Questions. It contains 64 of the toughest interview questions. It was very helpful going over the questions.

I finally got a call in Sept 2009. I was interviewed on the phone by the company’s recruiting office. I then got another phone interview with the department supervisor. That went well, I answered all the technical questions. I was then called in for an in person interview. It was one of longest interview processes, I have been through. There were 4 scheduled interviews, the first two groups were 8 each of my would be co-workers. A few of the questions I was asked, were the ones I practiced from the HR Interview Questions PDF. The next interview, was with a senior Engineer. My last interview was with the supervisor of the department. All the interviews went well that day. A few days later, I got called and was offered the job 🙂

It took me about 3 months to finally find a job. It does requires some work, don’t give up. I know it is tough out there. I have a few family members having a hard time finding work.

Configuration Error 213:5 on Photoshop CS5 MAC

I had this Configuration Error 213:5 come up recently for an artist I was helping. He was on a MAC running Photoshop CS5. This error came up when we launched Photoshop. It would lock up Photoshop and after clicking ok on the error, Photoshop would just close.

I tried resetting the Photoshop Prefs (Shift+Command+Option when starting Photoshop), but we could not get the reset prefs dialog to come up.  I then tried manually deleting the prefs folder located here

Mac OS X: Users [username]; Library; Preferences; Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings

I then uninstalled Photoshop by using the uninstall shortcut. I then installed it again and got the
error. I looked online and found this web page from Adobe.


It mentions to make sure the permissions on this folder

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore

Match the permissions below.

drwxrwxrwx root admin

That folder already had the correct permissions.

After trying many things, I finally figured it out.
The permissions also had to be applied to the two files inside the
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore folder.

I couldn’t change the permissions from the shell.
I had to do it from the gui.

Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6

Using Finder, navigate to the folder to be modified.
Adobe PCD folder locations
SLStore folder locations
Control+click the folder, and select Get Info.
Expand the Sharing & Permissions section.
Click Details to show the various owner and group options.
Click the lock icon in the lower-right corner.
Enter your administrator username and password when prompted, and click OK.
Set the permissions according to

Mac OS:

Owner = System = read/write
Group = Admin = read/write
Everyone = read/write
Or from the terminal, drwxrwxrwx root admin

Now Photoshop launches fine.

Fixing Profile Issues in Windows 7

A lot of Windows 7 issues can be resolved simply by creating a new Windows 7 profile.  Here’s a common error you get, “You have been logged in with a temporary profile.”  If your users log on to the domain and do not have local admin rights then any virus they get will get contained only to their profile.  So by moving the profile a side and creating them a new profile, this will completely remove the virus.

For example, companies that have domain users like in our company, have roaming profiles turned on. So if a user is having issues on multiple computers, but everyone else works fine on the same PC’s. Then the simplest solution is to log the user out and rename their local profile and their network profile to profilename_backup. Then just reboot the PC and have the user log back in, so a new profile gets created. Then you can copy all their files back from the local profile that was renamed. I would just copy over their Desktop files, favorites, and specific files.

In Windows XP, user profiles are located here

c:\Document and Settings

In Windows 7, user profiles are located here


The path to the network profile is set by your Domain Admin, look in Active Directory Users & Computers for the user account under the Profile tab.

This is all you had to do on Windows XP, but now in Windows 7 there is another extra step. You need to go into the registry and delete the reference to the old profile.

Go to Start | Run | regedit.exe

Then browse to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Then browse through the sub folders until you locate the one for your user name.  Each sub folder will have a record called ProfileImagePath which has the path to your profile. Then just delete the whole sub folder in the registry which contains your user name.

Now reboot the PC and log back in and copy their files back from the local backed up profile and log out and back in, so the profile gets copied to the network.